Tri Tip Sandwich and some Shrimp from the Barbie


G Schafer

Someone on this forum mentioned the Lone Mountain Wagyu Smoke and Save package for $199. We decided to give it a try.
Friday morning we transferred a tri tip from the freezer to the fridge to thaw. Saturday morning we sprinkled it with salt and put it back in the fridge uncovered until some friends showed up around three o'clock. At that time we sprinkled some steak seasoning on it and set it on the counter for a half hour or so while I fired up Genesis 1 and served beer to the guests. With the grill up to temp, the tri tip was placed on the grates. With the back burner set between med and low, the temp on the thermometer was reading about 275 or so.

When the internal temp reached 90f we flipped it over and fired up Genesis 2 with the griddle. At 120f, after about an hour of cooking, we shut down Genesis 1 and transferred the tri tip to Genesis 2 for some searing. I flipped it every 30 seconds and got the edges too until it got to 130f


We put it back into Genesis 1 on the high rack to rest. Meanwhile, back on Genesis 2, the butterflied garlic shrimp went on for a bit for a cook and baste.

With the shrimp done, it was time for the pre garlic buttered rolls to go on. (Note the leftover garlic and butter from the shrimp on the griddle)

Plated up with some store bought pasta and cheddar.

This was my first tri tip, so I didn't know what to expect. It got rave reviews from the wife and friends, so I'm going to call it a success! My wife is already looking for more tri tip!

thanks for looking.
You treated that tri-tip (and the shrimps) just right, Gerry! I like your style.....first tri-tip is Wagyu! :) That's a really tasty cook, though I was distracted by the snazzy stainless carts for your Genny's! :)

Tasty looking meal! Tri tip is an all time favorite in our house and you did a great cook on that one!
Thanks for the kind words. It was a fun cook and the results were very tasty!
Gene Simmons? No, not me. Once I sliced the tri tip, the cutting board was passed around the table and ended up by me. Pic was taken after I loaded my sandwich.


