Tri-tip Feast



I was all set to post Saturday's cook, but I was so disappointed in it that I went to bed in a funk. Fortunately, Sunday, Lauren brought home one of our favorites from the grocery, with lots of fixins to go with! Here's the tri-tip roast trimmed, seasoned with Montreal steak seasoning and resting before its trip to the kettle.

Fire going, so while the roast is coming up to room temp, I added diced red potatoes with S&P, EVOO, and fresh thyme to the grill.

15 or 20 minutes later, the tri-tip joins. Kettle is about 300 to 375F lid temp with some hickory for smoke.

Looking for a target temp between 110 and 115 while indirect.

Roast is at temp and resting to the side while the potatoes continue to cook with vents wide open.

Potatoes getting close so time to sear the beef.

Now the tri-tip is off, so it's time to add zucchini with onions and garlic seasoned with S&P, and garlic herb powder. Yes, a double dose of garlic!

Potatoes still going too.

Tri-tip being sliced by #2 son, Brian, AKA "surfer dude".

Table is set with some Italian bread and a bottle of Bordeaux. Sign of approval from surfer dude.

Great end to our Sunday! Hope y'all's was just as good!
ya'know Dale, you folks down there San Diego way gotta have Tris in your stores like we folks her'in Wisconsin got brats everywhere!
Now i ain't suggesting we swap, I'd die without brats, butt i certainly dodig cool grilled-up tri tips!
Whenever i can find them here, I actually thank my Lord for "sending them my way" REALLY! It's a TREAT!

Now, lemme get to what i'm trying to type here...
Your cook of this Tri Tip looks like it's a TREAT to you too!
Make it SPECIAL cuz you don't know next time you'll have them around. Butt you do, yet you made it PERFECT!

I have one Tri Tip left in my freezer, waiting for the right time to cook it, waiting to make it perfect, like yours :)
Did anyone tell you that you got your **** together. Great job Kim. Like every one of your posts.
Thanks for taking the time to share.

