Tri Tip & EXCELLENT Corn


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian

seasoned with kosher salt & pepper with a little cumin and cayenne


'bella 'shrooms too...


on other grill, the summer's BEST tasting corn yet, I mean, This Stuff Was SENSATIONAL!


Tri taken off at IT of 120ºF to rest while the GREATEST Corn On Earth finished...



Tri then sliced...


both meat & AWESOME Corn served with garden fresh green beans


on the corn, a slick coating of mayo with sour crème seasoned with cayenne, chili powder and sea salt.
As good as the Tri was, the CORN stole the show.
Bought more corn today from the same farmer only about 4 miles down the road.
Thanks again for stoppin' by!
Not much beats farm fresh corn! Pammi and I were at the big farmers market earlier this summer, ironically, buying corn! One of the farmers was husking and bagging corn. He took an ear and broke it in half. We each took a half and bit into the raw corn. Holy wow,it was sweeter than sugar! We wound up buying some of his. Because if it was that good raw, it was gonna be absolutely amazing cooked. And it was!
Great cook Jim, ain't nothing better then really good corn on the bone and those beans look great too, TT also . Ah just pass the plate over here.
Pass the plate of food this way Jim, it looks fantastic nothing better then fresh corn. TT turned out just right your plated pics spot on.

