tortilla+hot dog wiener= childhood snack


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I came home from work today and wanted a snack and I remembered my chilhood snack..... hotdog wrapped in a tortilla with hot sauce. Our family was very poor when I was growing up so buying chips and other snacks were out of the question. But us kids made our own snacks and did what we could..

First get the fork and insert hot dog and put over an open flame...remember I didnt have a microwave back then...This was in the mid 80s. Or maybe they were invented already but we had no use for it since my mom made all the meals from scratch...


heat a tortilla and add hot sauce. Wrap and enjoy.




Thanks for looking... and this can we done on the grill while you wait for your brisket or PP.
Yikes I'm having flash backs....I never had a hot dog in a tortilla until I met my wife...Tapatio is a stable round my place...and my MIL use to make flour tortillas and server them hot with butter...all my kids still eat this way!

Love it...great flash back!
So your wife is Hispanic? I always taught it was a Mexican Southern California thing.... I'm was wrong :)
add a little shredded cheese and smash up some tortilla chips and you make it a deluxe!! Another cheap snack which I still love is a warmed corn tortilla with a little mayo. I am not suppose to eat those though but will sneak one on occasion if we are having eggs with salsa verde.
Tony, We also improved snacks such as this when we were kids. although we didn't have an tapatio growing up here in alaska it is now my go to chili sauce ( I also like choulula). My mom made some pretty decent homemade flour tortillas that we frequent ate with just butter. O the memories!
As with others, Flash Back!
Roasted many a weenie over a burner, back in the late 50's early 60's.
Tough to do on our electric stove or I'd give your 'recipe' a spin.
i loved eating dogs that way, still do at times but havn't recently. gotta get some dogs and tortillas.
thanks for the reminder.
Love the post!
We have little bags (maybe 1oz) of chips at the bar in my Elks club. (If I'm not cooking... that's what we've got for eats).
I turned some people on to putting a few shakes of hot sauce into the bag o'chips and then shaking it up. Chip sales are up!

