Too hot to cook outside today 109* so I cooked inside

Due to my meds, I can only be out in the direct sun for a short period of time. So I decided to do some KFC on the Jumbo Joe with the vortex. WRONG idea! 103 not a hint of a breeze and no shade. About one minute into the prep, I was hauling my butt back into the nice A/C house.
Barb made a great pork chop dinner in one of our cast iron skillets with a fettucine side dish along with broccoli instead. Man, I love that gal!
Going to drag the JJ up onto the covered patio early AM and give it another try tomorrow afternoon in the shade.
I absolutely love Chili Colorado, and yours looks amazing. And now I know what to do with leftover Brisket (besides frying in cast iron with butter)
It's the first time I used smoked brisket, about 1 1/2 lbs with 3 lbs of chuck cut into cubes. It seemed to add a nice slight smoke flavor and a very tender addition to the chuck cubes.
Killer cook, John. Did you add the brisket towards the end of the cook, or up-front? Asking for a friend 🙄

