Tonights Ribs


Mike F.

TVWBB Super Fan
Ribs were onsale at my local supermarket this week, so...
On the WSM

On the cutting board

Griiled veggies-Eggplant,red pepper and winter squash

Grilled string beans.

And my wife Ginger's potato salad

On the plate

I gotta tell ya, it was pretty tasty!
I tellya Mike, Great Lookin' plate there!
LOVE the beans!! Great Shot!
ManOmaN I'm hungry again!
I'd love to know what your cooking process was for those ribs! I adore a carbonized exterior with the meat being perfectly-done on the inside! Last time I had ribs like that was Beef bones, a bunch of years ago on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.
I agree with PeterD, Please share your process of how you cooked those ribs. . . thanks and the photos look great!
Thanks you all, I minion with a full water pan and 4 or five nice chunks (small fist size) pieces of hickory a couple buried in the unlit charcoal. Used this to rub using only half the salt called for and 2 Tbls. of cayenne.

Rustic Rub

8 tablespoons paprika
3 tablespoons cayenne
5 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper
6 tablespoons garlic powder
3 tablespoons onion powder
6 tablespoons salt
2 1/2 tablespoons dried oregano
2 1/2 tablespoons dried thyme

Cooked for about 6 hrs. at 250F to 260F. Let them rest for 20 min. Probably should have pulled them off 30 min. sooner. They were a bit softer than I like but my wife likes them that way so all was good. The funny thing is although they are very dark, they have no "burnt" taste to them. I don't know, maybe the paprika darkening? Anyone?

