Tonight: NY Steak, Asparagus, and Rice Pilaf...


Rob C

TVWBB Member
Well, here is tonight's meal. Kids were sick and my wife had a singing gig in Anaheim. If any of you know what Coachella Fest is... Well, I am about a mile away.

Ny Steak, seasoned with kosher salt, garlic salt, fresh ground pepper, lemon.
Asparagus, seasoned with kosher salt, EVOO, garlic salt
Rice Pilaf, 1 cup rice, vermicelli, 1 can beef broth, 1 can chicken broth, 1tsp chicken stock, half stick butter...

Reverse sear on the steak (first time), for about 25 min...

Rice PIlaf almost done...


Thanks for looking!
Oh, yeah... I put ketchup on my rice. IDK, its just what we did growing up and tastes awesome...

And thanks Tony.


It's best to stay home at those prices... Nice Grillin' Rob!!
Can you hear the music Rob? Or is it dull thump off in the distance? Your plate of chow is doing a dull thump on my taste buds right about now...
Thanks guys! Yeah, I meant to take a photo before I hit the rice with ketchup... My wife and mother always give me a hard time about that. I never did reverse-sear before but with my wife out of town until late, and my kids just sitting around sick I had some time to browse the forum and came across a thread about that method.

This prompted me to then clean out the freezer in search of something to try this on, and I had a couple of NY steaks from Costco. Ill be solo again tonight so I am trying to figure out what to do with the other one. Seems to work well, I like how I was able to hit my desired doneness and have it go clear to the edge of the steak. Tri Tip is on sale so Ill be trying it on that sometime in the next week too as I think my wife will really love that.

And Brian, its funny you say that. I sat here grilling last night and I could hear the music from Coachella Fest clear as a bell. So yes!
Thanks again. That rice is actually more of a risotto. I never knew what a risotto was but after watching Chef Ramsey shouting about it all the time I googled it and realized its rice cooked with broth instead of water, and what we have been eating forever. I fry the vermicelli (broken in half) up in butter, then I add a can of beef and one of chicken along with the rice, string often as it thickens. I dont put much ketchup on, but the creamy nature of the rice makes it look like more.

Give it a shot, its really good rice.

