Today's cook


Andy B AUS

New member
Had the OTS and WSM on early this morning, preparing for this afternoons cook.

Out firing up and according to my trusty thermopen it was

Decided firstly to throw a couple of Debreziner Wurst on for lunch.

Served on fresh rolls with German prepared mustard, onions and German double smoked bacon.

While they cooked added hot coals to the WSM to get it going.

Decided to do Moinks, wings, thighs and ribs.

Ready to foil

These are almost ready :wsm:

Sadly, no plated pics (or thigh pics :confused:), as soon as it came off we dug in
Got lots of cooks in, bet those ribs turned out great. Those thighs, look very tasty!
My fear is that the temp on that pen is Fahrenheit, which would make it 121! Then again, it is winter where you are...
Monetheless the food all looks great. Good times down under!
Moinks, chicken and ribs? Great day!

Yeah Cliff, its gonna be smokin' hot up at your place today. "Only" 102 here in Vacaville.
Looks great! Piling wings up like that is one of my favorite things, just letting them all sit there and get happy. Haha.
Thanks everyone, it turned out really nice.

Will have to do more moinks next time, had a total of 25 between the OTS and the WSM, sauced just before serving and they disappeared first and received great feedback from the family.

The ribs turned out really well, followed the Harry Soo method and produced my best ribs ever. Had a nice range of "done-ness" with the ribs, a rack was fall off the bone (my favourite), one rack was bite through and the other in between the two.

Wings turned out well, done indirect at 300 for around 3 hours. Piled high and broken down and mopped every 30 minutes.

The thermopen was in Fahrenheit, thankfully it had warmed up a little when I took that picture, overnight it fell to 33F.

Best part is leftovers! Wings and pulled chicken sandwiches for lunch :D

