To rub or not to rub overnight


Edmund Caro

just wondering what you all like to do. I have also used yellow mustard on my butts rubbed them with my rub, and let them sit overnight. I have been reading that it makes no difference if you rub them then put them on the smoker. What do you all like to do?
For a dry rub, I haven't noticed much, if any, difference. A brine or marinade is a different story. I have noticed considerable differences in final taste depending on the length of time the meat sits in the marinade/brine. I would think that if you rubbed a butt with mustard, then put it into the fridge for a couple of hours before you applied the rub, the meat might become more "tacky" and hold the rub better.
The bark seems different when rubbed and wrapped overnight. (Not as grainy. Smoother?) If you're going to inject the night before, might as well rub and wrap.
I've had good bbq with out any rub.... I've have good bbq with rub... Only thing I rub overnight is Ribs, don't ask, I cant tell ya.. Butts, I rub a few hrs in advance and YES I know this is a very awkward post written by a MAN.. lol

I know ppl that just use sat pepper garlic on the butts...
When I first started learning how to BBQ I used to rub and let sit overnight. It got kinda messy so I started doing it a couple hours prior to cooking, never looked back. I suppose if I ever injected or brined I'd be more inclined to let sit sit overnight, but have yet to do either.

