Tips on BBQing a bone in turkey breast first time.


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Hi to all! I'm coming to the guru's of Q for some tips on cooking a bone in turkey breast. I've read that there is really no advantage to low and slow for poultry and using higher heat works better. I've done whole turkeys many times on my kettles with great results with a 325-350 range, but this is a first with a bone in turkey breast.
I will be using my mini for this cook.
Your thoughts and thanks for any advice offered.
Since the skin isn't an issue, I'd just smoke at whatever temp you or your smoker likes in the 250-300 range. Doesn't really matter as long as you don't take it past 160*. We like Alabama style white sauce with it.
I disagree that there's no benefit to low & slow. You definitely end up with incredibly moist meat (and rubber skin) if you cook around 250F. I've done tons of bone-in turkey breasts that way.

It's dead simple. Brine the breast if you want (or don't, if it's the standard pre-brined type), smoke with your choice of wood until done (150-155F at the breast, or my preference when the pop-out thing pops out). Rest 20 mins or so out of the smoker and carve.

If you vacuum seal the leftovers, it freezes and reheats really well. I typically keep some smoked turkey in my freezer all the time. I love it for sandwiches and as a replacement for chicken in my quick recipes (like stir fry and stuff).
I've roasted a couple at about 350 with hickory and a dry pan. Came out good.

Don't trust the pop-up things. ATK said on their holiday special podcast that some don't pop until 185+.

One time I put the breast on with a typical digital temp probe in it. Darned thing was indicating done temp in an hour or so, which was not right. Thermopen proved that. It kept giving false high reads during the cook. Worked well other times. Never did figure that one out.
I love bone-in turkey breasts cooked on the WSM. Let the rubbed turkey sit uncovered in the fridge for a few hours, until the skin is a little tacky -- the skin will be nice and crisp and smoky. I use a Weber rib/roast rack (rib rack flipped upside down) and it holds the breast perfectly (did I just write that?). Foiled pan with no water at around 300. I pull it at about 150-ish and let it sit tented for a half hour. The internal temp will climb to about 160-ish.

