Time For Lamb Loin Chops And Garlic Butter Potatoes


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Picked these chops up the last time we ventured to the store. Got around to doing the cook last night. Sided them up with roasted gold butter potatoes and a pound of asparagus. Here's a few pictures.

Put the lamb chops in a marinade consisting of garlic, fresh rosemary, S&P, lemon zest and olive oil. Let them roll for around 8 hours. Probably should have snapped a picture before putting in the marinade. :confused:

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Peeled and cubed the gold potatoes. Combined with melted butter, oil, minced garlic, lemon juice and salt. Transferred to pan.

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Gave the potatoes about a 20 minuted head start on the JJ and then got the lamb and asparagus going too.

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After a few minutes gave the chops a flip.

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Potatoes could have gone another 5 or 10 minutes for a little more color, but the asparagus and lamb were done and didn't want them to get cold.

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Plated things up. I had some chopped oregano for the potatoes and forgot to add it at the end. Guess one to many hooter brews may have been the reason.

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Made bread again today, third time this week, to go with the meal.

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All in all a pretty decent meal. The lamb had wonderful flavor picking up the rosemary and garlic really well. The garlic butter potatoes were wonderful too. Gold potatoes never disappoint. Hope you are all having a good weekend. Thank you for looking.
Everything on that plate looks so good. Lamb chops is my new favorite!!! Grilled asparagus also one of the best. PREFECT COOK!
Very nice-looking plate! And you've gotten me on the bread train; I just bought some flour and yeast.
Looks tasty! My wife doesn't eat lamb so I very rarely make it. Looks like I need to come to your house!
I so need to make a trek to see you the next time we're up in Chico visiting kid #2......I love lamb, and those chops look outstanding! As do the asparagus, taters, and, of course, the bread! I like the artistic scoring you did on those!

Cliff, but I am truly in awe of the breads you make. Amazing.

Thank you T. It's a work in progress. Rich G. has helped me tremendously get by some of the rough spots, and there are many.

and, of course, the bread! I like the artistic scoring you did on those!

Still pretty messy Rich, but I appreciate the comment. My last loaf on Monday had an unwanted ear that nearly pushed the lid off the dutch oven!

