Thighs and some other stuff


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Happy Monday folks!

Other stuff first:
We have this large river birch tree shading our deck.

I love it, but it's always dropping something.
Small branches, leaves (if we have a dry spell), worm like flower thingies, and this time of year it drops seeds and bird poop.

On the plus side, the poop is coming from flocks of Goldfinch feasting on the seeds.
Just wear a hat if going deck-side!

One other thing I wanted to note is turkey salad
made with mayo, onions, minced garlic, and salsa verde instead of pickle relish.
It's a winner!

Goin' blue for this cook in honor of the StL Blues playoff win.
Thighs marinated with a 50/50 mix of Wicker's and Italian dressing.

Even put on a blue jean jacket to ward off the cool wind and finch....

Indirect for a couple of hours, then some flame chasing direct.


Sorta crashed potatoes made on the yeller feller.

Dined inside (of course)

A fine Sunday meal, and leftovers for Jo Anne's workday lunch.

Thanks for the visit!
yes, once AGAIN, beautiful photos Bob!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">One other thing I wanted to note is turkey salad made with mayo, onions, minced garlic, and salsa verde instead of pickle relish </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Any TURKEY in that Turkey Salad

Anyway, a Tasty Lookin' Big'Ol cookin' my friend!

ummm... You sure you weren't a cop or a deputy or sheriff of some sort??? cuz you certainly got the LONG ARM OF THE LAWman...
Thank you for the nice picture story. I'd love to dine outside, but the temperature here has been 40 degrees f for several weeks. Not very tempting.
Here in NJ, the goldfinch is our state bird, but I think I'm going to start a petition to change it to chicken (thighs). Nice pics!
nice post and great pictures Bob!@ Love the little yeller weber that could as well! I see your favorite CI is working as well!

Great post!
Fantastic cook, Bob! We have a similar problem with a couple of maple trees that drop things, but they mostly stay on the driveway and off the patio... especially the bird poop.

