

Sean W

New member
how accurate are the weber thermometers? just purchased a digiq, it reads 10 degrees higher then the weber...
I boiled water and tested the Weber branded thermometer I installed on my OTS (per Tony's poke) indicated 210*F. I am about 850 ft above MSL and can live with a 11*F difference in lid temp on the Kettle.
on the wsm, measured at the top grate, 15 degrees, on my gas, 10 at grate. I did not connect the clip to a gratr, i just let it hang...
also what does sea level have to do with 2 different devices? weber thermometer, digit dx2...
Not a thing Sean, sorry if we went off topic.
I guess test them both in boiling water?
As the old saying goes, a man with one watch always knows what time it is, a man with two watches never knows for sure.
Sean, I've noticed on into a long cook the digiq and thermometer will start reading the same. At least mine did.
I ran my digiq probe thru a clothes pin and a maverick probe thru a clothes pin right beside each other in the middle of the top grate and they were right beside each other the whole time.
10 deg difference is not worth getting angry over IMO. Some have reported a 50-75 deg dif (like me) so yours seems right on. Think about it, both are measuring temps in different locations, then add a big ole hunk of meat to the mix and it would be hard for both of them to read the same.
Like Bob said, pick one and stick with it, I trust measuring at the top-vent compared to lid, you can stay with the grate probe and don't worry about the lid.

also what does sea level have to do with 2 different devices? weber thermometer, digit dx2...

Your original question was "how accurate are the weber thermometers?" I responded with how I checked my weber thermometer for accuracy. (I though I was a few degrees off.)

Bob responded with a clever way to calc exactly what temp water should boil given baro pressure and ASL further strengthening the case for weber thermometer accuracy. (It turns out mine is very accurate.)

I thought we were on topic for the answer to your question. If not please disregard.
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In my experience the Weber therms are accurate, the problem is the location of it compared to the location of the meat or the other therm being used...........I put all of mine in boiling water and quite accurate....3 for 3, actually 4 for 4 if I include a non weber grill.......................d

