The Humor Thread

That was pretty much our forecast last week. Rain maybe snow. Okay no snow but rain. Ok no rain.
I still remember the 1967 Blizzard we had in Chicago. Day started off so nice. Dad took off to go to work at the Augusta Blvd Motorola plant/offices in the 1960 Olds 98 with VERY thin tread on the tires. IIRC it was in the 50s that AM. he was only wearing a light jacket same with me. Caught the green limo to school wearing light jacket. Forecast was on the radio and saying it was supposed to cool down and we might get snow flurries by afternoon/evening. No big deal.
Got out of school, trying to get through the blizzard conditions to the bus stop. Insane. Bus sliding all over the street. Dad did not show up back at home until very late at night. He made it as far as the corner and the Olds would no go any further. Stuck in middle of intersection. Still don't know how even got as far as he did.
Next day up to our neck in snow flurries :D

