The Greatest Myths about BBQ

Never use lighter fluid or you will taste it when eating the meat, shut up.

When using lighter fluid make sure all charcoal is ashed over before cooking, and you will have no problems what so ever.
Let me see if I can stir tha pot........ Cook at X cooker temp to X internal and then flip, turn, spray, mop to retain interior moistness!!!! Oh, and be sure to get the cooker up to temp 1st!
"You can't feed dogs chicken bones" err no wait, that's a different forum.

My favorite, maybe not quite to the point: " All these Webers? You know you're just paying for the name, right?"
1)don't rub your rub in to the meat because it clogs the meat's "pores" and then it won't "absorb" smoke

we can expand this to any comment regarding meat pores and meat absorbing smoke

2)meat stops absorbing smoke at 140*

3)water pan helps keep meat moist

4)presalting meat draws out moisture and dries it out

5)fat caps drip into the meat

6)mopping makes meat moist

7)nitrites, salts, fats, msg are all bad for you
This thread is making me laugh.

So many of the classic myths have been mentioned. I just had the "salting steak" discussion with a co-worker. Some knob on the morning news here was going on about drying out the steak if you used salt at any time during the cooking process, and I my co-worker was convinced of this as well. So, I set the record straight.
The greatest myth for me is the Time/Temp myth.
You HAVE to cook at temp X for real BBQ
You HAVE to cook for time Y for real BBQ

And there are so many great liars on TV. Just watch a guy claim he cooks ribs for 2 hrs at 220.
Or someone saying he cooks a brisket @220 for 3 hours. Or Butts at 200 for 5 hours.

LOTS of liars out there when it comes to time and temp.

Probably one of the biggest hurdles for me when I was a rookie.

Oh yeah,squishing the burgers makes 'em cook faster!
And,how are you gonna start the charcoal if you don't have any lighter fluid? Those don't LOOK like matchlights.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Chris Bjork:
your too drunk </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gee thanks, Chris. Now I need to spend the next 5 minutes wiping coffee off my computer monitor
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mike Freel:
So many interesting points. Now I am confused, which are true and which are myths?

Mike </div></BLOCKQUOTE>None are true, all are myths.

