The cleaned up rescued 1995 18.5 WSM


Ali Mivehchi

TVWBB Member
Hi guys,

Just waiting on the front door knob and faster to finish the cleanup. A Nice addition to its 2010 22.5 WSM brother. It's ready to be used, all I have to do is to be available on the weekends and at home. My wife and I like to get out 3 sons out of the house on the weekends as much as possible. Anyway, soon enough.

Hi Chris,

Thank you very much. All the mods. that you see were done by me with the total guidence of our forum!

I picked it up a couple of weeks ago for $20.00 here in San Diego (CL) from a Military family that was moving, and put in a day's work into cleaning it up and doing all the mods. For being 18 years old, it is still in a decent / good shape.

I have the complete weber smoking arsenal!! Weber WSM, 18.5 WSM, and 22.5 WSM. As I said earlier, I just have to make time to cook on them. In due time......
Thanks everyone for great and positive feedback. Almost makes me want to do more rescuing... na..... I am DONE!!!

Seriously, Ali...?!?! You think you can get out of this "addiction" that easily. .?!?! You're seriously fooling yourself! I can count on zero (0) fingers the number of guys who can score a nice $20 WSM, already have a 22.5 WSM, and truly be done! :)

Nice job on the WSM! :cool:
@ W Tyler===> Haha. I must agree with you, I always say no, than will change my mind and will say well just one more!!! Anymore additions, and I will be taking all my grill with me when I get kicked out. My wife has made it very very clear that my man cave is done with adoption of grills and smokers. Well maybe for now.....

Have a great one everyone.

