Thank you Larry Wolfe!!!


Rolf Jacobsen

TVWBB Emerald Member
I don't know how many times we've had it but each time I do Pepper Stout Beef, I feel I owe Larry a "Thank You". This is a family favorite. Nothing you haven't seen before but here it is...........

The "Helper" is waiting.... 2-1/2 hours is a long time but he was patient.

Done. Dropped in to meet the veggies, covered and moved to the Performer for a few hours.

Pulled and ready to go.

Yes this is an almost empty plate. We don't need no stinkin' side dishes. 3 or 4 of these and you're a happy camper. Thank you Larry Wolfe!!!!!!
Nice, Rolf. Very nice!!!

Did you put a little horse radish on that sammich?

I'll take 3 or 4 please.:cool:
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i'm hungry. now i'm really hungry. that last pic says it all. sides, we don't need no stickin sides. i'll take 3 plz. milk on the side. :cool:
You Betcha! Larry has many many MANY GREAT recipes out there, butt this one is, in my opinion, his "signature" plate...
and Rolf, Larry, right now i'm sure, is saying something like, "Stop talking about it and EET it!"

Wow nice...really my favorite!! Yep thanks to Larry we have a great way to cook up them chuck roasts! All looks super!! I will take a couple too!(hold the milk!) I take beer with mine!

Nice work!
That looks wonderful! I love your helper. :)

This is definitely going to be one of my winter cooks! Can't wait!


