Thank you all


Ryan Burger

TVWBB Member
This website/forum is the greatest place I've ever came across. Before finding this place I was your average Joe backyard griller. Now I've become a hit amongst my family and friends. You people on this board who take the time to share your knowledge and help the ones who ask for help are invaluable. Some of the best days of my life are now when I get to fire up my 22.5 WSM.

My brother in law said it the best the other day while we were at tailgate party....if smoking ribs could get you laid I would have had women lining up.

So again I would like to say thank you to all for sharing your knowledge. Compared to you guys I am still an average Joe smoker but to my family and friends who have not ate this kind of home smoked food I've become a legend.
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Once I figure out how to post pics I will put some up. I have pics of everything from baby backs, spares, butts, salmon, talapia, abt's, almonds. I owe it all to this forum. Thanks once again.
Nice ribs! And I had just about convinced myself that I didn't really need a 22.5. Can I forward that photo to Santa? :)
I couldn't imagine not having the 22.5 wsm. It might take more fuel to run but in my opinion It's the only option. The best father's day gift I've ever received.
What?! Good BBQ can get you laid? I've been inviting the wrong people over!

I know what you mean - I despaired of BBQing but since joining this forum I am able to make amazing smoked food that is out of this world. Still have lots to learn to try.

Your ribs and fish look amazing - well done!

Ryan, I learn something new every time I do a cook.
The important thing is you and your family and friends are having a good time.


