test photo the family!


Ben R

TVWBB Member
just seeing if i got the pic thing down

:D lol i wont tell him you guys called him a cat! He's sensitive, he's waiting to see if food comes out of this magic bullet, that was the day i brought her home, not the dog.
Couple of nice lookin' Weber grills you got there, Ben! We have two curious cats like the one checking out your new WSM.;)

Very nice looking yard as well. Welcome to the forum!:wsm:
Great pics! What a wonderful backyard setup you have. I think the best part is that I can imagine how the neighbors feel when they smell the Webers fired up! Haha
Great pics! What a wonderful backyard setup you have. I think the best part is that I can imagine how the neighbors feel when they smell the Webers fired up! Haha
Haha thats funny cause i think about that every time i fire them up :D But ask me if i care. I did my first pork butt last weekend and at 5:30 am when i lit the coals i was wondering if they thought i might be crazy. :wsm: my neighbors are all pretty cool though
Nice looking Webers and kids ya got there Ben. What side of the lake are you on? I lived on Vernon rd West of hwy 9 well...... forever. Moved South for work about 12 years ago. Go Vikes!
Nice looking Webers and kids ya got there Ben. What side of the lake are you on? I lived on Vernon rd West of hwy 9 well...... forever. Moved South for work about 12 years ago. Go Vikes!

Howdy Neighbor! Well close enough im just north of you off soper hill road west side as well. Got to ask what do you think of norms?

