Temp to High?


Edmund Caro

Its a very warm night here in Florida and I am having trouble with temps hitting the 250 mark even with vents closed. When I close the vents it goes down a little is 245-250 to high?
What are you cooking? Im guessing its butts or brisket so 250 should be fine. My guess for the high heat would starting with to much lit coal. Good luck with your cook!
250 is a great temp for Q, good bark and much quicker than 225. If I am after low/slow, I don't worry unless I get over 275.
I started my cook yesterday afternoon in the Florida sun. Before I put my lit coals on my lid temp was 150 degrees. It doesn't take much to get to 225.
Wow Glen thanks that's good to know. I always worried that 240-245 was way to high for a slow cook. I have always tried to keep it between 130-135.
250 is an excellent temp for smoking low and slow. Edmund...you're killing everyone. What are you smoking?
I measure the temp at the vent, and actually prefer about 250* for most cooks....235-250* measured there seems to work best...cooks not unnecessarily too long, but most connective tissue is cooked out of the butts by pulling time and the meat seems to be just as moist, if not maybe more, as if cooking slower.

I usually have my grates full, and if my top vent is at about 250, I've learned that the on bottom grate outside the perimeter of the pan the temp is somewhere around 275, and that's fine.

Still learning!

<span class="ev_code_RED">Yeah! I definately am still learning. After a cook yesterday where I didn't rest the two big 9lb+ pork butts before pulling, even though there was substantial fat and connective tissue left unrendered, the bbq was some of the best I've done in all aspects. I smoked both of these butts for sixteen hours, and incidently, one of them temped at 198* when pulled off the grate, significantly higher than my usual IT of around 190*. I now feel pretty confidant that I've been overcooking by the time my bbq was actually pulled for a meal, and will be more conscientious of holding meat in a hot cooker for hours at a time. </span>
Ohhh! I am cooking to gorgeous, spectacular, mouthwatering, BUTTS
Coming up on the 11th hour now temps of meat about 170-175 just basted them. Whats a good temp to pull them off? I have read 190 on some post and 200 on others.
internal temp is not what I care about.
I begin probing the meat at abpout 190.
I am looking for tenderness, if the porbe meets no, or little resistance at a few different points, then I pull.
If still not tender, I let it cook another 20 - 30 mins and try again.
The meat isn't "done" until I probe tender throughout.

