Brandon Risko
TVWBB Member
My wife had to head out of town today so I was left alone to fend for myself for dinner. It was cool and stormy outside, so I determined this was perfect grilling weather and rolled the 22.5 OTG under cover on the back patio. Dinner consisted of a Choice T-Bone and a twice baked potato that my wife had previously made and frozen. The potato was started on the grill a bit before the steak, while I allowed the cast-iron grate insert to pre-heat. I had rubbed the steak with Oakridge Santa Maria a couple hours earlier and it was the first time I had tried this rub sample out. It had excellent flavors and I really enjoyed it! I started by searing the steak about a minute per side and then let it finish on indirect for a few more minutes. Right as the steak was finishing up, my weather radio went off for a tornado warning to my west, so that got my attention for a brief moment and caused me to pull the steak a little later than I would have preferred. Luckily the storm just produced a funnel cloud and didn't touch down. The steak was a bit closer to medium than I usually like, but the filet side still cut like butter and the whole steak was moist and tender...for some reason the last pic made it look more well done than it actually was. Definitely no complaints from me and the whole thing was quickly devoured!
Anyways, enough talk, onto the pics!