

Karl Repsher

Hey all, been real busy at work, so it's mostly lurking late at night,ya'll been putting out some good cooks, here's a plated pic to keep my dues paid up.

Swordfish steak, with tartar sauce, poisson cru and white rice.

And this is what is keeping me so busy, a complete remodel of my boss's old house.

Keep the great cooks coming.

Nice swordfish and plated pic, Karl! And glad work has been keeping you busy.

Thanks for sharing!
Karl looks like a winner, I'll take a plate! Looks warm where you are. Mind sharing the poisson Crüe recipe?
Tahiti, grill, swordfish. Great imagery. Tahiti, cement mixer, gut job on a house not so great imagery of paradise.
Grill marks on the swordfish are picture perfect; great looking plate of food! Lots of work to do on that remodel.
Thanks everyone for lookin' and all of the kind words.

John Solak, the rest of the story? it was ugly, maybe you didn't look closely at the first pic! LOL

Roger S, I posted the poisson cru recipe in the Seafood section.

Paul Kastner, Sorry to burst you bubble, I haven't found that paradise they always are talking about.

Pete in PG, I'm the super/Gopher

Bill Schultz, I've never worked as much in all of my life as I work here.

Thanks again my friends for caring and looking.


