Sweet Peppers?


A Moe

I just got some sweet peppers. What do I do with them besides ABT's? I have seen them just on the grill. Any seasoning?
Are they large bell type? Those I cut in half and clean out the inside then .. cut again in half again

brush w oil, season as you like, maybe garlic salt, and pepper and on grill

for smaller ones I don't bother cutting
I like to grill sweet bell peppers and smaller ones in halves, tossed with oil and seasoning.

After they're nice and charred I peel the skins off in one piece if I can...

Alternating red, yellow, orange bell peppers makes a great presentation, and you can serve it at room temperature.
i just picked up a bag of these as well and i was thinking of stuffing them and making a sort of ABT. the jalapeno is usually too spicy for my daughters.

just thought about the skin on them.... hopefully they work out.
I love grilled pepper's, I'll char the red bell's... slice them in strip's and put them on top of italian sausage and provolone chesse with a marinara sauce on crunchy french rolls
?the bag
?WAY to me!
i'll take care ovum for ya
Scrambled eggs and a little jack cheese, peppers and a few corn tortila's... Great way to start the weekend!!!
For the small ones you can buy in a bag, I just toss them on the grate until the skin starts to get soft. No need to doctor em up too much, IMO. Tasty!
First post to any forum here on site. Try some EVOO,salt and pepper. Grill inside down first then flip and fill with tomato and basil feta. Good eats.

No oil or seasoning, just a quick rinse before roasting. The skins are easily removed once they cool.

Then I either use them to make a fire roasted red pepper dip (hummus) or slice and pack in a mix of lemon juice and white wine vinegar and add to salads, serve as a side dish or however I want.
For the small sweet peppers I just toss them on the grill and then put them on the plate



I have 2 plants in the garden of the small sweet/pickle peppers this year. 1 of the plants already has it's first pepper.
I like to dice-up the big ones, or seed & half the little guys, and then:

Mix 'em with chunked-up Zuchini
(and/or chunked-up, par-boiled baby taters)
Add a little chuncked-up Onion
Toss with a little olive oil, salt, & pepper
(add a little of yer favorite rub, if you want to)

Grill the mixture in one of those perforated, porcelain grill baskets

