Hi all.
So I am from Sweden and people here more often use direct heat and oversear their meat. Not my kind of thing so I heard about indirect heat cooking yers ago, I got my first OTS , and have grilled indirectly since. A divorce later led to me parting with that - to become the proud owner of a OTG and I really am happy with it. I also own a SJG that i got after my dad passed in '09 that has been sitting in the shed doing nothing useful at all since then.
Have tried using smokechips a few times but have felt they more or less burn up, charring the meat in a way i have not been happy with, so I stopped using them.
Then this spring I thought back to my visit to the States in '05 and figured i should try doing some low'n'slow like i was served at my then sister in law - i remember it as beeing sooo good. I started trying to find some info and have spent hours upon hours on youtube and google - turned out there where so much info and ideas to be inspired by.
Anyway - long story short - here I am.
Ok. As I mentioned I live in Sweden and most people here can't spell tamale, let alone direct you to a retailer selling large pots, or anything even remotely similar. So i finally ended up ordering an Imusa 32qt through ebay. Product price ok - $34 - but having a $79 priority shipping price had me choose the get-it-to-me-eventually shipping at only $31.... If things go well it will arrive only 5 weeks after order was placed. But then again, the SJG has been waiting to be used 8 years so whats a few weeks right?
Got a stainless airgrate to be used for the charcoal basket at a DIY as well as an asortement of stainless nuts and bolts. Bought a nice thermometer from ebay as well, although this time from the UK so free shipping - yay. Got two 14inch grates, and a new charcoal grate. Found a really nice thick aluminum tray that should fit perfectly as the heat diffuser. So now only the pot is missing...
I had a mental picture of how i wanted to build - thank you all who have posted guides and pictures - so i figured i could start with what i had.
So far i have added corked vent levers to all the vents, tied together the charcoal basket. So now only the pot is missing...

Oh well - I can wait a few days I thought - this was last weekend - but then yesterday morning i remembered my wife had this really tiny 11inch kettle when i met her - new in the box - that also lives in the shed. Its not a weber so a bit off topic i know - hope noone minds _/\_. So i took some measurements and then when we were out and about yesterday we passed this fleamarket - i pulled on the brakes and dove right in. Found an old 10qt pot, a thermometer and a nice old plate - all at just about $10. This would carry me over i thought. A bit worried nothing would fit I couldnt wait when we got back to try it together. The result - a mini-mini - measuring in at 11x17 inches (not counting the legs). No idea if it will work yet - waiting for the paint to set before seasoning it tomorrow. I can post a picture with the first cook if there is some interest.

And now only the pot is missing to finish the mini WSM....
Thanks for reading - and again - thanks for all the inspiration.
~ Lasse June 25th 2017
So I am from Sweden and people here more often use direct heat and oversear their meat. Not my kind of thing so I heard about indirect heat cooking yers ago, I got my first OTS , and have grilled indirectly since. A divorce later led to me parting with that - to become the proud owner of a OTG and I really am happy with it. I also own a SJG that i got after my dad passed in '09 that has been sitting in the shed doing nothing useful at all since then.
Have tried using smokechips a few times but have felt they more or less burn up, charring the meat in a way i have not been happy with, so I stopped using them.
Then this spring I thought back to my visit to the States in '05 and figured i should try doing some low'n'slow like i was served at my then sister in law - i remember it as beeing sooo good. I started trying to find some info and have spent hours upon hours on youtube and google - turned out there where so much info and ideas to be inspired by.
Anyway - long story short - here I am.
Ok. As I mentioned I live in Sweden and most people here can't spell tamale, let alone direct you to a retailer selling large pots, or anything even remotely similar. So i finally ended up ordering an Imusa 32qt through ebay. Product price ok - $34 - but having a $79 priority shipping price had me choose the get-it-to-me-eventually shipping at only $31.... If things go well it will arrive only 5 weeks after order was placed. But then again, the SJG has been waiting to be used 8 years so whats a few weeks right?
Got a stainless airgrate to be used for the charcoal basket at a DIY as well as an asortement of stainless nuts and bolts. Bought a nice thermometer from ebay as well, although this time from the UK so free shipping - yay. Got two 14inch grates, and a new charcoal grate. Found a really nice thick aluminum tray that should fit perfectly as the heat diffuser. So now only the pot is missing...
I had a mental picture of how i wanted to build - thank you all who have posted guides and pictures - so i figured i could start with what i had.
So far i have added corked vent levers to all the vents, tied together the charcoal basket. So now only the pot is missing...

Oh well - I can wait a few days I thought - this was last weekend - but then yesterday morning i remembered my wife had this really tiny 11inch kettle when i met her - new in the box - that also lives in the shed. Its not a weber so a bit off topic i know - hope noone minds _/\_. So i took some measurements and then when we were out and about yesterday we passed this fleamarket - i pulled on the brakes and dove right in. Found an old 10qt pot, a thermometer and a nice old plate - all at just about $10. This would carry me over i thought. A bit worried nothing would fit I couldnt wait when we got back to try it together. The result - a mini-mini - measuring in at 11x17 inches (not counting the legs). No idea if it will work yet - waiting for the paint to set before seasoning it tomorrow. I can post a picture with the first cook if there is some interest.

And now only the pot is missing to finish the mini WSM....
Thanks for reading - and again - thanks for all the inspiration.
~ Lasse June 25th 2017
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