Sunday Ribday


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Sometimes I think it's almost boring to post these since most of us cook ribs a lot, and, to me anyway, they are one of the easiest, most consistent cooks that I do frequently. Then again, they are so good, I figured I might as well share! :)

I picked up a 3-pack of St. Louis cut spares from Costco. I felt like a lottery winner when I unpackaged them and found that all three slabs were pretty much the same size (usually, there's one of the three that's much smaller......which is SUPER ANNOYING!) :) While the grill was heating up to my rib temp (240F), I stripped off the membrane, and seasoned the ribs up with Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust. Once I was done with that, the grill was ready to go, and on they went.....


A few hours in.....


Off the grill.....


A close up.....


A nice platter of ribs (which disappeared frighteningly fast!!!)......


I cooked these ribs on my pellet grill, using RecTeq Competition Blend pellets. The grill ran at 240F the whole time, and the ribs were done in 6.25 hours. No wrap, no spritz, no sauce.....just seasoned, porky goodness! :)

Agree - ribs are never boring. So many different rubs and preparations to try! Next time I do St. Louis style, I may go without the wrap too. I figure most BBQ restaurants don't mess with wrapping ribs so if you have good temp control it's probably not really necessary, especially if you don't peek much.
Keep those rib post coming!!! Those look great. Are you sure it is not cooking on that pellet smoker that is boring you?😜
My kids always laugh when I say, that my mom, who was a very good cook while I was growing up, could never cook ribs well at all! We always say she does not have the patience for it. It was one of my favorite meal when we would eat out because I did not get them done well at home. So they aren't that easy or at least we need to not let others know how easy the are.😁
Keep those rib post coming!!! Those look great. Are you sure it is not cooking on that pellet smoker that is boring you?😜
My kids always laugh when I say, that my mom, who was a very good cook while I was growing up, could never cook ribs well at all! We always say she does not have the patience for it. It was one of my favorite meal when we would eat out because I did not get them done well at home. So they aren't that easy or at least we need to not let others know how easy the are.😁
Nah, I am enjoying the pellet grill! Tonight I'll have a rack of pork on there (well, half of one.....I trimmed the rest out to bone-in rib chops for future meals.) Looking forward to that one! :)

Good lookin bones! I could see why they disappeared so fast.
You guys keep pulling me towards a pellet grill, I'm resisting, but the final product looks awesome.
Good lookin bones! I could see why they disappeared so fast.
You guys keep pulling me towards a pellet grill, I'm resisting, but the final product looks awesome.
Different strokes, Timothy. I cut my teeth with charcoal and wood when it comes to this smoking hobby 18 years ago (plenty of charcoal grilling before that and still), and I wouldn't hesitate to go back to it if I decided the pellets weren't for me. I will say that the ease of use is a major plus, and the versatility of the pellet grills now changes the game somewhat. I have even been pleasantly surprised that I actually prefer the reduced impact of the smoke on my food (taste the rub, sauce and meat more now.) I don't relish the thought of the first time I'm mid-cook and we have a power outage, but hopefully I don't have to experience that (very often, if at all.)

Everything I learned on my stick burner and WSM's translates to the pellet pooper, with a minor learning curve for the new heat/smoke source.


