Summit ID please



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
I am guessing is a Summit S-330 or something like that. I know it is a summit anyway. What would be the generation? Any idea on age?

And yes, I know about the cook box problems.295651376_1244542332969262_6033445459593538001_n.jpg
I got the serial number and it is a 2008 S-670 Thanks guys.
Someone wants me to rehab it. I am trying to get a feel for what the cook box looks like.....It probably has the same problem as nearly every other Summit over ten years old.
I'm pretty sure you can still get a replacement cookbox for those, and now that you have a serial # you can verify that obviously. The owner may not want to sink that kind of money back into it though.
Yep, they send me a photo, and from what I could tell, the cook box panel looked pretty good.
My patch panel is for the 1st generation Summits. I would like to expand to generations 2 and 3 but have none to use for making a template.
My bad. I'm confusing my Summits. :rolleyes:
No problem, I do actually use your catalog collection to help me identify different grills which helps me Google parts. It's probably about as exciting as collecting stamps, but I enjoy learning about the nuts and bolts of these grills and sharing that knowledge with anyone that shows an interest. Thank you for a great forum!
They still make that grill so I am sure you can get a box for it. And if your customer is original owner perhaps they can ask Weber for one
The cook box has a ten year warranty. BUt it is a 2008 grill so I doubt Weber would be much help.

