Straightforward ribs


Gary London

TVWBB Super Fan
Friday night dinner. Fancied some ribs. So took a short break from "working at home" to buy a couple of slabs from our new upmarket, expensive butcher. Nearly walked out without any after the guy tried to sell me all sorts of other ribs that I didn't want. He finally found some out the back, just as I was leaving.

Used a Rufus Teague rub - sorry no prep pics because I was "working from home"

After last 3-2-1 attempt I scaled it back a bit based on sound advice from others on here.

Ended up with a 3.25 - 1.5 - 0.5 due to other tasks I had to deal with.

anyway this is the 0.5 bit - used some Sweet Baby Ray sauce that I need to use up - main ingredient fructose syrup but has a little kick in there too.


Use up some boiled spuds from day before. Added some diced onion, mayo and Franks hot wings sauce - that goes together well.

Also made some beans - haricot (navy) beans, cannellini beans, whole or halved shallots, paprika, onion and garlic powder, molasses (from Barbados), S&P, Worcester sauce, tinned tomatoes and tomato paste. I always make it up as I go.


One of my sons said best ribs I have done so far (not a high bar!). Better than the last ones I did. I cannot find really meat spare ribs but still better than I can buy from a restaurant over here.

The wife scoffed the leftovers (that I was looking forward too) the next day.
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