Steak Eyes


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Two chuck-eyes, and an outdated rib-eye were pulled from the freezer.
Thawed, then salted, and sat at room temp.

It was a dark and misty evening, but Jo Anne had decked the deck with lights, so it was Christmas cheerful too.

Still had to use my cap light though.

I'll spare you the spuds, and bread shots.
Eyes on!

Side salad.

My serving.

The chuck-eyes were great, as always, but the rib-eye had spent too much time in the freezer.
On a positive note, Brooke the yellow Lab is enjoying it cut up as doggie snacks!

Thanks for your visit!!
Good looking meal and nice Christmas decor as well! Looks like you are back in full swing Bob! I missed your posts!
My, my! That plating looks SO good! I have a penchant for grilled potatoes in any manner and THAT just twerks my salivary glands!

Nice show, Bob. Grilling chuck eyes just looks more and more inviting.

Someone else claiming they have chuck eyes ... Grrrr. Nice looking steak Bob!

Dale, I was told in previos post that in food for less we can find chuck eyes in I haven't checked but I now need to go soon after looking at Bobs steaks.
You and me both Tony! The butcher at my local Vons claims they have them sometimes, but I haven't seen them. Thanks for the tip!
Excellent cook Bob and welcome back! Tony and Dale you may have to just find a regular butcher shop and ask them to cut them for you. A lot of the supermarket cutters don't know what it is, especially down here.
Bob, your imitation of Wilson? aka Earl Hindman


yeah, better keep yer EYES on this ▼


I'd eet that up is 3 minutes, 14 seconds WITHOUT stopping to breath!

Looks GREAT buddy!
Great meal Bob. I love the color on that shot of your deck, too. Is that a clip-on LED headlight, and are they as good as they say on the package? 'tis the season for extra light when grilling, too.

