Started my 2nd mini today


David Jacob

TVWBB Member
Got the bottom cut out, the lip around the top trimmed, the holes drilled for the upper grate drilled and screws mounted. Plus I drilled the hole for the probe grommet. I'm gonna paint it tomorrow. I'll post pics later.
I've made 3 total, 1 I kept (my Go Giants Mini) and 2 I've given away. One to a good friend the other to my boss. All three get tons of use, my mini is my most used BBQ / Smoker
For the U-bolts are they stainless steel?

Also, why did you choose to place the probe port above the top Grate instead of from below to have access for both grates?
Yes they are SS. I decided to place it above the top grate because I very rarely use the lower grate. Having it above the top grate makes it easy to deal with the probes (1 IT probe and 1 ATC probe for my DigiQ Party Q).

