Stainless Steel Grate Throwdown Challenge Results

Very awesome Jon. I am glad you addressed the third cross member issue. But those do sound like RCP lite grates for sure and a price that makes them very attractive.
Those seem very nice. The only thing that would keep me from buying those is the middle support bar. It should be unnecessary on grates that thick and creates another hard to clean area.
I agree Steve about the third cross bar. Quilmetal may have just copied their 7mm grate pattern for the 9mm grates, but it could also mean that they felt they needed the extra strength if their welds were not as strong as Daves may be. After all, if they could sell the same grates for the same price but save on that one extra bar, it would be more profit for them. I also would prefer them have omitted that extra bar.
What's the gripe with a support bar? Seems like a goofy thing to complain about
It's not a really big deal, but it does make another set of nooks and crannies for grease to accumulate. Probably the one thing to me is that I like using the Chargon tool. That support bar prevents you from making one clean swipe on each long bar.

Still, this is a really nice set of grates for a very fair price. They are even thick enough and tightly spaced enough for you to like them, Larry:D!
Yah, larry, if you don't use the Chargon, it really isn't an issue at all and kind of a minor one at that. But, given two quality 9mm sets of grates otherwise being equal, I will choose the set without the middle bar simply because I do use a chargon. And any way you look at it. Those are quality contenders for sure.

Qlimetal 9mm vs rcplanebuyer side by side.jpeg
Qlimetal 9mm on left, rcplanebuyer on right. Both virtually identical in length and width. Qlimetal has the center support bar.

Qlimetal 9mm vs rcplanebuyer CLOSE UP EDGE side by side.jpeg
Dave Santana/rcplanebuyer 3/8" on left and Qlimetal 9mm on right. Not a big difference in thickness to me, but note that Dave's grates show much better finishing and higher craftsmanship. Truth is, though, you won't notice that after installing them. The Qlimetal grates are shinier, but obviously they will both soon be "seasoned" once put in use.

Qlimetal 9mm vs rcplanebuyer compare rods and spacing.jpeg
This comparison shows the very close comparability of rods and spacing. Same number of rods, just a little bit thinner for Qlimetal on right.

Qlimetal 9mm vs rcplanebuyer CLOSE UP ROD and SPACING.jpeg
Closeup of rods and spacing. Dave's are slightly thicker and therefore the spacing is slightly tighter. I personally think they are close enough to have no real impact on the user's experience.

p.s. I have a message in with Dave Santana asking him to update his status regarding whether he will be offering his Genesis grates in the future, and if so what he thinks the price might be. I will let everyone know what I hear back from him.
Excellent and yes, there is a true difference in thickness of rods, but not a lot.
Yep, and that's why Dave's weigh in over a pound heavier per grate. He keeps his championship title, but this new contender is no pushover. I sure hope Dave will be able to again offer his superb grates sometime soon. If he doesn't, then at least there is a close, if not quite as superb, alternative at a great price.
After 3 years spring cleaning on my Silver C will post a thread on what I did new flavorizer bars Qlimetal paid 37 bucks on Amazon the reason I went with them is could not be more happy after 3 years with their grates no rust whatsoever yes they have the cross bar could care less as I don't use the Chargon so that is no issue to me.

Reviving this thread, because Amazon has posted a pretty good "Prime Big Deal" on the Qlimetal 9mm grates reviewed above and compared to the ones made by Dave Santana (rcplanebuyer). With Dave not apparently marketing his beautiful grates, these are at least a really nice 2nd best.

Currently listed for $76.69 on their Prime deal, but currently my listing shows another 7% off, so that would bring it down to ~$71.58! Only for short time!!!

These aren't grates for your average flip grill but rather keepers I think you will be proud to own for use on your personal Genesis 1-5, x000/Silver/Gold/Platinum. Also fit newer Spirit 300 grills. See my pictures and discussion above.

Really a great deal. Those are lifetime grates. I have a set of RCP grates and if not I would for sure get those. My first thought was to get them as a spare set, but then I will never need them unless my grill gets hit by a car or I decide I need another older Genesis grill. Which I don't.
Thanks, Eric! I am sure you noticed that most of my reviews are from 4 years ago. Prices and availability have changed a lot (and keep changing), though some of the major players are still in the game. I am most sorry to see Dave Santana find that he currently cannot compete realistically in grates. (He still sells other excellent grill stuff, and if you are willing to pay big enough, I think he will still make you a set of grates.)

I have tried to add a couple of noteworthy newcomers since my first review, Qlimetal's 9mm set being the most noteworthy. If anyone has other grate sets you think should be looked at more carefully, please make suggestions!
I recently purchased these from Amazon: Mori International for my Genesis Silver B. Listed for $49.98 with 38% coupon; selling price $30.98. 7mm rods, chamfered ends. Claim 304SS. Measure 17.3x11.8. I weight them using the finest system available, “get on scale holding the grates, put down the grates get back on scale”. They weigh about 10 lbs.
Does anyone have any opinions on these.
Also having replaced cast grates. Is there a process to season the SS grate. Any recommendations for grill brush specific to the SS

