Stag steak



TVWBB Olympian
My mother-in-law turned 51.

So we grilled some "stag steak"(kronhjort)

My father-in-law hunts alot so this one he took down himself.

I havent done mutch of this on the grill(almost done when i came over)(and when he turned 50 he got the weber platinum from us)

But they said an inner temp of 140f (60c)
then rested in foil for about 30 min.(raised about 2c inside the foil)

The meat was(to me) a bit to dry, could have been medium 131f (55c)

But it was a great dinner,with alot of side´s.

Meat was tender but over coocked.(well next time target temp isnt 140

And Emilie(my wife) did a cake for desert.

Some burgers made of minced Moose,and a vegetarian alternative to the right(yes we have 3 of them in the family

Uploaded with

The cake

thx for watching


Looks really great DW!

IMO, most wild game should be cooked to the rare side of medium/rare.

Emilie's cake is outstanding too!
Between your grill/que talents, and her pastry talents, I think a catering business would be the hit of Karlshamn!
Mooseburgers? Wow! They look great. Even the vegetarian option looks good. And that cake looks like it was done by a professional bakery.
Jim i think its imageshack that is a bit slow from time to time,it works for me now.

Bob: ye we were aiming for medium,said 60c in the cookbook but was to high(might calibrate that probe too)

And thx for the comments.


