Squeeze Butter

I've often wondered that too Randy. As for BBQ guys, I would guess they never really give up the whole story but a lot of what they do is known partially because people see them do it. Exactly what is in rubs and that sort of thing I suspect are probably witheld.

That said, with chili competitors, once they win at a certain level, they have to publish their recipes. I met a guy that competes and he gave me his recipe for green chili and I made it. It sucked. :o But that wasnt because his recipe was bad, it just wasnt good in my hands. I made some tweaks that made sense to me and it was much better. Sometimes, it isnt the recipe that wins, it is the cook.
Well said!
I use the Parkay squeeze margarine on my ribs and everyone that tastes them says they are great...but it really comes down to what one likes or doesn't like. If you like it then start using it and if you don't, then you can say you tried it and move onto to trying something else.
SO. I finally did a meal with squeeze butter and tiger sauce, Williams Rib Tickler rub, honey and brown sugar and the results were....OK. Not really better or worse than my usual practice. A bit more 'zing' with the Tiger Sauce, but no difference in tenderness that I noted. Next rib cook will probably be an experiment. Both racks identical except one will use Squeeze Butter and the other won't. What I would like to try is a finishing glaze. Usually I just use my regular sauce (Outlaw honey-hot) mixed with a dab of both honey and maple syrup then brushed on liberally and allowed to set for about 45 minutes before serving.

