Spiralled sausages


Geir Widar

TVWBB Wizard
I've seen your spiralled sausages, and I've wondered what could be done to improve them. The easy answer was of course bacon, as always.

After cutting, fill fill the spiral with a slice of bacon, and grill:



Not the greatest photos, I know, but I'm still using chruches, and wearing a cast.

(I know that two of them are without bacon, but I only had six slices left.)
HOLEY Déjà voodoo Geir!!
I did the SAME thing! Haven't posted it yet...
Yours looks AWESOME! I did not leave the skewers in tho'...
Now i gotta post it tonight!
butt, what's with this HUGE EMPTY space on the plate?

Gonna park a plane there?
That's why I love TVWBB. I never thought of this nor would I likely have on my own. But it's just what I've been wanting! I used to slice my sausage in half. Though I knew I might be losing some flavor with the fat dripping off, I prefer the texture. Then I started doing them whole and just letting them split. It's not going to be any time at all before I do this spiral thing! And with BACON??!!!!

Way to go Geir (and Jim and whoever else). And what ABOUT that landing strip?

I'd just like to add that it is much easier to get a nice spiral cut if you put some work in getting the skewer in the center of the sausage. it is much harder to get a nice cut if the skewer in near the skin.
Happy to see that you can at least hobble to the grill Geir, hope you are much improved.

Your knife, cooking, and photo skills are still sharp as ever!
Great looking spiral cut bacon/sausages!
That's pretty cool. I saw Jim's post and now I really need to try this!
Me too. My wife is out of town for a few days, but we'd both love the spiraldogs (I'm thinking Chicago style toppings)...
Thanks for the inspiration Geir.
I'll have to jump on the spiral bandwagon soon. I love how inspiring this site can be.

I think you could fill that empty spot on the plate with a couple more sausages and than pass it over here.
Yes, they are. Much easier to turn on the grill, and the bacon stays in place.
I think it is wise to remove the skewer before you eat the sausage, unless you like wooden splinters in your food. :P

