Spinach/Feta Stuffed Shé~cone Breasts


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Never tried this before
Garden Fresh Spinach


after sautéed shallots and gaaaaaaalic, the spinach was added. Feta cheese was also part of the plan.


with three small chicken breast to work with, I butterflied them then plopped a dose of this mixture on each,
folded then stuck with skewers to hold them together.


Not pretty, I know. Neither is my kitchen after i get done...


I tossed on some garden fresh potatoes on the 26"OTG (not from our garden)
and after 20 minutes or so, the bird breasts joined in


Each one is seasoned with Penzey's Old World rub



yeah, pretty small... once they were removed, baby-thin asparagus hit the hot grates


and moments later, supper in Raymond was served with smiles!



Yessiree bob, It was a daggum good dinner!
I ain't too handy doin' cooks like this, I prefer to stick to the basics like flippin' a steak around once or twice...
butt stuffin' stuff like this, well,... it's ok to do it once in a while.

Well, Thank you for visiting tonight, hope your evenin' is delightful!
oops! went over the ten-photo limit... ;p
So how does one get an invite to dinner in Raymond?? Excellent post Jim, you always find new ways to outdo yourself!
Now that is a dinner to come home too! Love the spinach wheel....and that chicken breast...to die for.
I can smell it here in Campbellsport.
I don't know if anyone is handy at stuffing chicken breasts, it's a major PITA. But the results are awesome!
You stuff stuff better than I can stuff stuff, my stuff wants to cook out of the stuff that I stuff.
enough of that stuff.

Nice cook Chef Jim!
(silicone bands look tacky, but help hold in the you know what)

