Spent Last Night in ER ugh



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Who would have ever thought spring allergies would land you in the ER? Not me. But, that's just what happened to me. Couldn't catch my breath, coughing so hard I thought a gasket would blow, dizzy,.
Wife had enough said lets go. Drives me to ER, spent most of the night there. All the good stuff. EKG, Xrays, blood work. Diagnosis? My COPD flared up due to the severe spring allergies. Advise? Make better use of my inhaler and I need to take a course of steroids. Who would have thought?
I took a home Covid test yesterday AM. Negative. Which I figured. Since I have had the good fortune to have Covid twice. And I gotta say compared to this? A walk in the park. Then thought RSV or Flu. Anyway all tests negative. Allergies and COPD
That's what I get for going into Automotive work in the 60s when asbestos was still used and deciding to start smoking at 15. Thankfully I quit smoking for good by 30, but the damage from brake dust I guess still lingers
Scary times for sure. Glad everything is under control now. I had that happen to me a few years ago, couldn't catch my breath. Never had any issues with allergies, but I do now. Absolutely hate the springtime now drives my sinuses nuts.
Same story for me started smoking at sixteen and quit at twenty eight. Best discission I ever made.

