Spares on 22 - 6 racks

I'll be honest, there was a time I would never use a rib rack, for no other reason than "just because." Now....I'd use a rib rack, if I only had one slab to cook. I've become a fan of the rack

Just curious, why do you like it so much? Seems to me the ribs would have to be flipped (left to right side or vice versa) to get even cooking on both sides? I mean, if I have the room, no reason to get a rack imo.At least right now.

If the rubs are the same is dripping going to adversely affect the lower rack??

Guys do drip pan beans to collect dripping I feel like this would enhance the flavor.

Like previous poster mentioned rotate racks to offset temp difference.

If you really don't want dripping, You can roll ribs into circles triangulate, and make sure the top rack and bottom rack positions don't over lap.

I guess not. ;)
I go back and forth with a rack, sometimes it's a good tool, sometimes it's rather like a laser guide could but, would you want to? And my long standing line about " New and Improved":
"Just because you can, does not mean you should"
Just wondering if any of the rack advocates foil. If yes, how? Seems a little cumbersome and would take a lot of time out of the cook to pull racks and individually wrap, then replace. Also, how easily do they go back in racks, once foiled?
Just curious, why do you like it so much?
I guess it's because I don't have a 22" WSM, but truth be known, I've had much success with the rack lately. I do have to lift them out once and face the the other direction. I typically start with the bone side towards the charcoal and after two hours, I flip them with the meat side towards the charcoal, and leave them like that for the remainder of my cook (now taking 6 hours)

Just wondering if any of the rack advocates foil
I don't. I just go low and slow. 225 degrees and my cooks have been taking six hours
I smoked 6 slabs of St Louis spares today on my 22. 3 flat on bottom and 3 flat on top. No need for a rack. Couple little spots on bottom but I just picked them off. You don't need as much rub on ribs. The turned out beautifully and tasty! My first rib smoke on the 22 and also first in years.
I don't rack much anymore because I have bigger cookers now but when I did in the old days I would only use rack for first phase. Once I foiled the ribs can overlap in foil at that point.


Just some quick pics of the racks I did yesterday. Sorry, this was the best I could muster as I was super busy cooking/smoking and cleaning my Makes for a tough combo.

The top rib we thick and fatty while the lower ones were leaner (enjoyed the bottoms more).

enjoy Johnny. :o

This was in the middle of brushing bbq so it's not as

