Some of us are still making Heatermeters

Yeah, since its a free upgrade from OSH, I get all my boards this way now. Yes, its pretty good. To bad RPI's are hard to get or really expensive to get, even if they are used. I have not bought any since Covid started and will probably wait until the price drops, if it ever does, to buy one. If someone ask me to make one, thats the first question I ask, do they have a Rpi. The rest of the components are fairly easy to get.
Awesome, Im trying to revive my 4.3. I bought a thermoworks and absolutely cant stand it while I am trouble shooting my HM. Glad you are making these to keep it going.
My HeaterMeter just died on me. Is anyone still selling assembled HeaterMeters? I struggled mightily soldering my first one and don't really want to do that again.
So, I'm not sure what was going on but I just got it to work again. Even unplugged it and plugged back in a few times and it seems to be working every time.
I occasionally still use my heatermeter, but have recently gone to the dark side and now use a pellet grill.

I found another project called PiFire, which is based on the heatermeter. Despite pellet grills having an extra variable to control (dumping pellets in the firebox). The hardware is actually quite simple as it only requires a few relays to control the fan, igniter, and pellet auger. So it's a much easier build.


