So this just happened...and this forum is to blame.

Well, we've really got something going now! No, I can't afford to sleep in the shed, but if a $400 LP Vieluxe popped up withing a realistic distance, I would be on it.

Here is one grill that would at least give a Vieluxe competition. This one seems new, so the super high price is to be ignored. But a used one for a realistic price would be pretty cool. Still, the Vieluxe has some kind of real MAGIC to it that this Fire Magic doesn't. But, look at those grates!

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Hey Jon, Did you notice in the ad that "budget payments available"?
The Vieluxe is home and luck continues to be on my side. Although there was no mention of it in the ad, the rotisserie was also included. Obviously, that’s not a make or break item but the fact that it was there continues to make the deal even that much better. I was fortunate enough to also be able to have an extra set of hands available to help me and the grill is successfully in the shop instead of having to be tarped out on the trailer until spring. I guess this means I owe it to the good folks here on the TVWBB to at least document and photograph additionally for sharing purposes before somebody scoops it up and hauls it away to a new home. FWIW - I did get some back story from the seller. He owned a mom & pop hardware hardware back when these grills came out and sold it new to the original purchaser at that time. He couldn’t recall the year for certain and I haven’t pulled a serial number from it yet to get that info, either. This grill was traded back in at the same hardware store after a period of years and the store owner then put it aside to “eventually do something” with it and there it sat and has sat for several years. It was the perfect storm for me to just happen to search for one right as he listed it. Not surprisingly, he said I was the first and only person to show interest which reinforces that most people don’t even know about them. Oh well, it’s 16 degrees outside, my toes are cold from today’s adventure, and I need to relax and decompress a bit after this whole whirlwind experience. I swear I barely slept a wink last night sweating the thought of getting it back here and secured safely. More to come....
Tom, glad you are all set now. There is a second hand market for these grills, however it is very small. The market for a new one would be very small as well. Just too much grill and too much $$$$ for the average Joe. Sure, you can pick a used one up fairly inexpensive, but it will typically require much more work to get it rehabbed and back in good operating condition than most would care to invest. That is where guys like you come in. If you rehab it and keep it, you will have a better grill on your patio than anyone else within miles of you. If you sell it, you will make a hefty profit because you you will have eliminated two of the downfalls of these grills...the price and the effort to rehab it. You will still be able to sell it for a bunch, but the buyer will be one who knows about the Vieluxe, but won't pay what most pay for a used car to buy a new one. It might take some time to find one of these buyers, but they are out there.
Is it propane or natural gas? (I'm anticipating getting back to work soon and Saratoga is only a couple hours from here)
We have to see when he sells it, how much he wants, and whether or not I can justify it at that time.
Hopefully my wife will keep me in check, so we don't wind up bidding against each other! I already want it LP ;) . While I would love to have one, I would be very happy to know a member here is giving it a really good home.
It's hard to argue with my wife's logic that I should get this one done first:rolleyes:. Maybe I could and get it sold so that I have a kitty fund to buy a Vieluxe. It uses the same burner configuration as that Fire Magic I posted, including an infrared sear burner on the right and a rear one for the rotisserie. The rotisserie motor has 3 SPEEDS! While it doesn't have the cool FLAT stainless rod grates that the newer Fire Magic grills have, it does have MASSIVE stainless grates as thick and tight as Dave Santana's.

Front of Lynx.jpeg


  • Lynx in the bag.jpg
    Lynx in the bag.jpg
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If you are referring to my Lynx just root for me to get through tax season and be blessed with time. I don't have everything I need, but I have many of the parts.

If you are referring to the Vieluxe you will have to make some incredible case to my wife why I need that on top of all my other projects! Best plan is most likely for me to wait for one to pop up in the Midwest, but I have to say that this new find is a really nice example that looks to mostly just need a cleaning. If somehow it could get here I would figure out a way to pay for it, and throw one really big BBQ for the "helpers" :coolkettle: !

