So The Other Post Promised



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
So we're both breathing a LOT easier this weekend than we were the last 4 or 5 weeks.
So, about 5 weeks ago IIRC the CFO gets a call from the her doc about the mammogram she'd just had done. Said they saw a tiny "shadow". More likely than not nothing but they wanted to do a biopsy. So she goes in for that and wouldn't ya know it wasn't "nothing". So we find out she's got breast cancer but caught quite early as they said at Stage 0. None the less some surgery was called for. So she went in this past Tuesday to have that done.
She got the call from the surgeon Friday afternoon nothing beyond what was taken out. So from a surgical standpoint in the clear. So Friday night we had a pizza night with youngest and her kids and BF
Now, my understanding here is more treatment of a medicinal kind may be called for. So she also had genetic testing done to ascertain what (if needed) would be best. Apparently there are some different hormonal therapies that can be used.
But for the time being. She is not in any discomfort, had only slight discomfort the afternoon of and day after surgery. Did not even take the pain pills prescribed. Just a couple Tylenol.
So over here we're breathing a little (well a lot) easier.
I'd been holding this rather close to the chest. But felt good news was worth sharing. She will likely even be going back to work a week from Monday. Much earlier than thought. (her bosses will be VERY happy). When I was getting her at the hospital the president of the company was there as well. And saying how glad he was things went well and how much they REALLY need her back.
How would her job do without her! Glad to hear she’s on the mend! CFO healthy, deck stain restored, looks like a nice fall ahead, grilling and relaxing on the fresh deck, should be a great way to ease into winter my friend!
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It’s nice they need her back at work but I sure hope she puts herself and her health first and foremost!
Great to hear some good news!!

