Smoking mussels


John Neuser

Been watching "Man, Fire, Food" and "Primal Grilling" on television during which both shows smoked mussels using pine needles as the source of smoke and, in the case of MFF, the heat source. Have any of you tried smoking mussels or oysters with pine needles or any thing else for that matter? Did some forum searches to no avail. Top on my list my list this summer. Can't wait. Thank you.
Been watching "Man, Fire, Food" and "Primal Grilling" on television during which both shows smoked mussels using pine needles as the source of smoke and, in the case of MFF, the heat source. Have any of you tried smoking mussels or oysters with pine needles or any thing else for that matter? Did some forum searches to no avail. Top on my list my list this summer. Can't wait. Thank you.

Really. I know we're mostly beef, pork and chicken cookers but nobody has tried mollusks?
I saw that episode too, looked interesting. I’ve not done any mussels but, I do scallops from time to time. Living in the middle of the country, in Michigan, it’s kind of costly to find really GOOD fresh seafood. My father used to love mussels, they are not too wickedly expensive, maybe I should do some of those during Lent!
Really. I know we're mostly beef, pork and chicken cookers but nobody has tried mollusks?
I've BBQ clams, but that was for guests, I've never ate nor want to ever eat them. This is how I did them

Here's a recipe from to make Mussels

I wouldn't eat either one, but everyone who had my clams were quite happy.

I remember doing a LOT of oysters when my family had a reunion at Arch Cape, Oregon. The simpler treatment the better was how we did them. That was a long time ago but, they were so fresh and I’d been enjoying them raw too!
No experience with clams or mussels though.
Burning pine always smells like turpentine to me with a thick black smoke. Maybe the needles just give it a hint of smoke ? I dunno.
I saw one episode where they used Galvanized roofing nails to hold fish on vertical planks surrounded around a fire made up of pallets.


