Smoked cream cheese

does look good. I've got a couple of questions...

Did you start it on a cold pan?
Any oil on the bottom?
Did it release easily from the pan?
Did you season the bottom of the cheese? or just the top?
Not cold pan
No oil
Used spatula, and I came off easily.
Seasoned just the top.
The cream cheese I just pulled out of the fridge, put it on the pan. Cross hatched, then seasoned it. Went and started grill. When it sat at 225 for a few minutes it put it on. My grill was fluctuating temp, from 225-300 quit a bit. Ended up using smoke boost which dropped it down to 235. So prabably averaged 250-260.
It doesn’t melt…I think the melting temp is higher than 300…weird I know, I didn’t believe it myself but I took a pic at the beginning, an hour in, and at the end…it was soft, but didn’t melt. And my grill was mostly higher than the recommended 225
Chips, crackers, or whatever you want to do with it. The wife wondered what would be like to make a cheese cake with….I said we should try it!
I’ve thought about doing some for thanksgiving too…I ended up putting some sweet chili sauce on one. Want to try some raspberry Chipotle sauce from Costco.
Cream Cheese is essential in poppers, perhaps some previously smoked cream cheese might be the ticket

