Smoked chuck roast tacos with roasted tomatillo salsa


Jim McKelvey

TVWBB All-Star
So lots of inspiration from others in putting together today's meal. Seeing all the pictures of Larry's Pepper Stout Beef combined with Gary H's recent post on tomatillo salsa - I figured why not combine variations of the two and have tacos....Here goes:

Half ring of K Blue with on nice chunk of hickory

Chuck roast seasoned with k salt, pepper, oregano, cumin, chile powder, garlic powder, onion powder and a pincch of cayenne

Tomatillo's, jalapeno and garlic roasting on gasser

Close up

Salsa finished

Chuck roast pulled

Plated with queso and fried plantains

A good meal. The roast was a little dry. I did not use any braising liquid when I foiled - Will have to change that up next time. Flavor was very good though and there were only a few scraps leftover...maybe it was better than I thought. Salsa was dynamite and will be made again next weekend to go with a Cuban style pork butt. My wife's fried plantains - were of course - perfect.

Thanks for looking - hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

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Looks great Jim. You certainly nailed the salsa. I've got four plantains ripening in the kitchen as we speak... I'm sure everything tasted delicious.

