Dustin Dorsey
TVWBB Hall of Fame
Smoke Day 12
Due do a lack of time I only got to fire up with kettle on saturday and cooked some of my homemade sausage. Had a high school graduation in the family.
I describe my sausage making process in this thread:

Sausages on the grill indirect with hickory and oak chips.

Taking on some color.
Off the grill.

Sliced sausage.
Sunday I got to fire up the WSM and maked some BBQ chicken with Alabama white sauce.

I took out the water pan for this cook.

WSM doing work!

Chicken almost done.

A pile of chicken.
Due do a lack of time I only got to fire up with kettle on saturday and cooked some of my homemade sausage. Had a high school graduation in the family.
I describe my sausage making process in this thread:

Sausages on the grill indirect with hickory and oak chips.

Taking on some color.

Off the grill.

Sliced sausage.
Sunday I got to fire up the WSM and maked some BBQ chicken with Alabama white sauce.

I took out the water pan for this cook.

WSM doing work!

Chicken almost done.

A pile of chicken.