simple sirloin


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
one point three pounds of sirloin


seasoned with Steakhouse Rub from Weber's Time To Grill book


a few sliced portabella 'shrooms on a cast iron griddle


Steak on....



a nice glass of vino poured...


and dinner served
a little sautéed diced n♡pale in with the broc and chipotle shredded cheese in the cremed baked tatä


been a long time since i grilled a sirloin... ya'know, with all the chuck eyes i have on hand...
Anyway, it was a fine change of pace and a delicious supper:)
Thank you for visiting, don't forget to turn your hour piece back sixty minutes and sleep tight!
Good night!
Mr. Lampe that looks like a nice cut of meat and you did right by it. That looks PEEEEERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome looking steak and plate, Jim! Hey, what's the deal with the nopales? I see them on your cooks quite a bit. Do you grow them? I've never had cactus so I'm curious about the taste, texture, etc.
Great lookin' meal, Jim!

I haven't done sirloin on the grill in a long time but that is gonna have to change real soon after seeing this!:)
Looks outta site Jim. Pics of that dinner warm me right up!
I don't think I'll be doing any serious grilling until we get some power back here in northern NJ. The sun sets mighty early these days. Not enough light to see what I'm doing in the dark. Thanks for the inspiration!
I thinks I need a duplicate button for saying what another great looking cook. Used to love cooking a sirloin especially when it had the bone in.
Super looking Sirloin Sir Jim!
sirloin is a favorite, but it's been awhile since doing one, thanks for reminding me!

