Shredded Beef has been requested



TVWBB Olympian
My Monkey's Uncle has requested my shredded beef for his birthday---- the hard part is the location, he wants it while we're camping / mining @ Topaz Mountain. No idea of how many people will be going but he painted a good picture of ATVs / motorcycles, guns, booze to reimburse (I have a ~14# chuck in the freezer), basically as many friends as can make it. He sounded a little lit when he called so this might not happen :)

Not sure what I'll do yet... he wants it like I did for my cousin's wedding. Sounds like a good weekend to me!

I figure do it beforehand and vac/freeze in small packages, maybe do some Pepper Stout Beef and handle similarly. Rolls / assorted sauces / tortillas ???

Does anyone have experience freezing PSB - does it reheat well?
I've frozen & reheated PSB. Makes great tacos.
Once thawed... I warm it gently in a covered pot on the stove - add a small amount of water.
Treat it like frozen/thawed pulled pork or beef.
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Reheats very well. Served it at CBBQA Q-Fest this year, as our potluck meat donation.
Tough crowd but seemed to go over well.
Reheat it in a frying pan lightly oiled, add some fresh peppers or spice of choice, in a separate pan warm up some taco shells in oil, add the meat add some grated cheese cook on high till crisp eat till all gone

