Secret Aardvark Jerk



TVWBB Olympian
This is thinner hence more expensive than Walkerswood, but it has a very nice & interesting flavor.

I've only done 2 cooks with it so far (iirc),,,,,,and that's the entire bottle, a walkerswood jar would last >5x as long.

First cook was chicken thighs & Mex rice, and tonight I marinated a couple of ribeyes.

I don't remember how long I marinated these thighs, wasn't very long though, only 1-4 hours. I marinated them, had a visitor, thought about going out for dinner but then another stopped by so I made the Mexican rice I'd been craving for >a week.

used some mesquite chips in my smokin pouch (same for the ribeye)


There's never enough of this......... from ATK with many variations, it's always good.


I marinated 2 ribeyes, this one was only in for <2 hours, the other will be for tomorrow, it's still in the marinade.

Cooked 3 minutes, flip, 3 minutes, flip, 1.5 min flip, 1.5 min.......... again over mesquite chips in my smokin pouch


65603993_10214706562919620_3945642178293792768_o.jpg's not creepy to take pictures of my neighbors cookin is it? I'm surrounded by smokers now :)

(I was working on my roof all weekend installing a new evaporative cooler before I noticed their nice assortment. I talk to these people only once in a while, I almost asked them what time dinner was being served :) )


That all looks really good, Clint. I don't believe that I've ever cooked with jerk of any kind (cooked with plenty of jerks, but that's another story.....) I may have to try to find this one (or Walkerswood.) I think you and your neighbor need to a fashion a pass through in that fence!

That all looks really good, Clint. I don't believe that I've ever cooked with jerk of any kind (cooked with plenty of jerks, but that's another story.....) I may have to try to find this one (or Walkerswood.) I think you and your neighbor need to a fashion a pass through in that fence!


Don't wait! Try it on wings & serve with Ranch, or go with the chicken/rice combo. You won't regret it. Walkerswood has a lower heat version as well, don't be put off by the $~5-6 price per jar, it only takes a couple Tbsp to coat something. The Secret aardvark is more expensive because it's thinner more like a salad dressing than a paste, but I think it adds a rum flavor........I can get some of that from the candy shop....I'll have to sneak a small jar of that flavor to experiment with.

I've got a few jerk seasoning recipes/marinade but this is one I was thinking of while looking at your dinner. Yours does look tasty :D or

No wonder I like it so much - it has several of my favorite spices! I have everything on hand - I'll be trying it soon.

Scotch Bonnet peppers
Red onion
Soy sauce
Olive oil
Orange juice
Lime juice
Brown sugar
Salt and pepper

Did you see the salsa (lol) recipe I posted in JC yesterday? That's brutal I bet :)

Can't wait to try it
Thanks, Clint! I think I'll be trying that salsa recipe just after NEVER! Too much heat in there for little ol' me! :)

Looks Tasty! We go through a bottle of the Habanero hot sauce monthly. I've used the jerk on chicken, shrimp and fish.
They both look really tasty Clint and I especially like your Mexican rice. I've got a jar of the Walkerswood but haven't tried the Aardvark. How did you like their Habanero Sauce?
How did you like their Habanero Sauce?

It was just so/so until I got to the end of the case. I'd been giving it away to friends/family as it neared the expiration date, but I got much less generous as I neared the end of the 2nd-to-last bottle.....then I ordered another case!

It's not the hottest, and comparing it to the hottest taco sauce at Del Taco isn't exactly paying it a compliment, but it's just a good Mexican flavored hot sauce.
I made Jerk Chicken & Rice today - I put the chicken thighs in ~3+ Tbsp of walkerswood & then left for 3-4 hours to go mtn biking with my cousin. On the way back we stopped at the candy shop & grabbed some rum flavoring, non-alcoholic (pretty sure). I only added 1/2 cap, <1/2 tsp, of the flavoring & then some EVOO to hopefully spread it around while I started the chimney.

Cooked it with a stick of cherry or apple (leftover from my last charcoal cook), & thought I'd make some Jerk Rice for a side. I put maybe 2 Tbsp evoo in my porcelain-enameled dutch oven & heated it up, fried 2 cups jasmine (iirc) rice for just a bit, added some veg-beef bullion, a heaping Tbsp walkerswood, some salt, & it worked out! I'll try it closer to my Mex Rice (baked in same dutch oven) to see if I can get it as fluffy, but we were already hangry & I wanted to save the extra 10-15 minutes.

Walkerswood was hotter, I wasn't able to duplicate the Secret Aardvark flavor w/ the small amount of Rum flavoring, but I'll try again with more next time.

My cousin served a mormon mission in the west indies & he's very familiar with Jerk, he said they'd pour rum right into/over it there. He liked it and so did I.


Walkerswood is our Go To Jerk seasoning in the jar of paste (Hot & Mild) that you mix with lime juice or the bottle sauce!
Walkerswood is our Go To Jerk seasoning in the jar of paste (Hot & Mild) that you mix with lime juice or the bottle sauce!

I'll try to remember to try some lime next time! If you have some rum around (I'm almost 5 months alcohol-free so I won't be buying rum anytime soon for an ingredient), splash some on it - you might be pleasantly surprised. Sounds like I'd better get some of Walkerswood's other offerings, like their mild jerk (what's that?) and their marinade, just to see. I love their paste......I must have used ~12 bottles over the years....not a ton, but their paste goes a long way.

"Drunken Jerk Jamaican Marinade

A mouth-blasting blend of thyme, allspice, habanero, garlic and a nice little jolt of dark island rum. A delicious way to kickstart a variety of dishes including jerk chicken (of course) along with all the great recipes you’ll find here."
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That looks fantastic. Now if I could just quit singing "Secret Aardvark Jerk" to the music of "Secret Agent Man" in my head, everything would be great.

