

Al S.

New member
Hi Everyone
WSM noobie here, looking for some advise on the best way to season my new WSM 22.5
Al S.
I would put a big hunk of meat in it and fire it up, I just did my first smoke on mine Saturday, I did a 9lb shoulder for the test run. Look down a few threads for "first smoke underway" I posted pics of the process and results. Welcome to the form and enjoy your new weber

Or even two pork butts. I started with 2 chickens and then two weeks later 2 butts and a brisket. All came out great. You will love it and welcome to the forum. Anything you need to know should be found here. Great group of guys and gals.
Thanks for all your replies! I guess I will just jump in & do it, but I was hoping there was a way to season the smoker without risking the food in the process. Should I just use a little less fuel for the first few smokes to keep the temps in check?
Should I just use a little less fuel for the first few smokes to keep the temps in check?

In one word... NO. There will be numerous variables which will affect the first cooks on the unit, leaks being one of them. When you're first starting out with the WSM, you want to make it enjoyable. The fewer variable to deal with the greater your enjoyment will be. Using less fuel for a cook will just add another variable which at this point you do not need.

To help keep temperatures down with a totally full ring, use less lit.


OH.... And what Peter said...
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