
When you do this Bob please let us know how it goes and what it tastes like. Sounds interesting.
Daniel Vaughn did an article on TMBBQ about making beef bacon.

Seems pretty interesting. His mentions that typical beef fat melts at too high a temperature compared to pork fat so beef bacon doesn't really have the same mouth-feel. So what he's doing is using Waygu beef belly which has a lower melting point for fat than typical beef. I don't know. It sounds pretty good either way. I still need to get off my backside and make regular bacon. I've got a pork belly in the freezer.
Daniel Vaughn did an article on TMBBQ about making beef bacon.

Seems pretty interesting. His mentions that typical beef fat melts at too high a temperature compared to pork fat so beef bacon doesn't really have the same mouth-feel. So what he's doing is using Waygu beef belly which has a lower melting point for fat than typical beef. I don't know. It sounds pretty good either way. I still need to get off my backside and make regular bacon. I've got a pork belly in the freezer.

Make it Dustin, you'll never go back to store bought again.
I used to buy occasional tri tips from a local farm at a farmers market by our old house. They would have brisket bacon from time to time. It was heavenly. In fact, i may have posted a BLT cook with it here a couple years back.

Edit: Found it. And Bob, you said you'd try your hand at beef bacon in your reply. ;)
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Schmacon is not really a new concept. In the late 70's, Best's Kosher had beef bacon and turkey bacon on the market in the Chicago area.
They are not in our markets now due to some trademark shenanigans. Both their beef and turkey bacon were good, but real bacon comes
from the pig.

