Saving an '05 Silver B Premium

I have just found that people really like the clean box and inner lid and new bars and grates. Sure, I have to raise the price, but it sets the grills off from all the other "used" grills out there on CL.

I have tried allowing mixing and matching some of those parts and it has caused problems. When they get there, it always winds up being, "I will take it, but only if I can get the new grates for the price with the old grates". It seems like it is better off to show the customers exactly what was in the add when they get there to avoid confusion and indecision. I did have a guy walk on me when he was ready to buy the grill but asked why I didn't replace the burners. I told him they were in great shape and would last years. I then told him I could put new ones in but it would take me about 15 minutes and would cost another $25. He said OK but he still wanted it for the listing price. I said I cannot do that as the listing price was for the used burners. He walked but I was sure he would have taken it, had I not offered the new burners. That was last year and was the only guy that showed up to look and hasn't bought a grill from me.

I will offer additional accessories like propane tanks, covers, etc... But, I try to keep the grill itself along with internals exactly like it shows in the add.

I get what you arte saying Bruce. Maybe the market's a bit different down here. Don't know that it matters, but I'm usually flipping Genny Gold/Silver B's and C's and not "Vintage" 1000-5000's. When I post ads, I show exactly what's in the grill and explain there what was replaced and what's still there. BTW, I'm not talking about rusted out grates or FBs, but rather, solid ones that still have years left to them. I guess around here, people appreciate both quality and value. :-)
Looks like you had some good results as well with Dawn Power Dissolver.

Royal Purple cleaner? Did you mean Purple Power?


Jeff - yes, purple power, not royal purple.
Not sure where my head was right then.

I have always used purple power in automotive applications and been very impressed.
It did a good job on my Silver A, but nothing quite like what you are showing.
As promised here, some photos of the firebox and lid getting the Dawn Power Dissolver treatment:



I will say there was some minimal scrubbing by hand afterwards, but I too had pretty good results from it (the carbon buildup on the lid that I usually remove with a razor blade came off like paint dissolved by paint remover):



more pics coming later.

JK, what did you use to scrub it down with? Man that would save a ton of labor. What about the firebox did you scrub that down also and again what did you use?
JK, what did you use to scrub it down with? Man that would save a ton of labor. What about the firebox did you scrub that down also and again what did you use?

I used a ball of steel wool that was pretty gummed up with firebox grease to begin with. I could have used a dish sponge with similar results and effort. It was the Dawn Power Dissolver that did most of the work.
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