Saturday Pizza and thank you!


Jim McKelvey

TVWBB All-Star
I've been experimenting every weekend with pizza. Usually read some details from TVWBB and then tweak my effort and give it a shot. Last week I asked for some help and Bob Sample was terrific in giving me lots of different possiblities to try. I made a few changes and below is this weekend's result.

Store bought dough since I was short on time

Pepperoni pie on the peel - I used semolina flour on the peel to prevent stickage and burning as opposed to flour - worked terrific

Out of the 600 degree kettle and resting

Results were great - a hit with the whole family. I'd like the crust a little thinner and crispier, but the store bought dough was suffering a bit from inelasticity? not sure if I spelled correct! Thanks again Bob and to all the pizza cookers that have posted before!!

Happy cooking!
Looks great. If the dough wasn't elastic enough (too much like bread, not chewy like you want) try another brand. Homemade dough is great, but that adds a lot to an already lengthy process.
Great looking pie Jim. I've been watching this post and taking notes. My one attempt at pizza on a kettle was so so. I hope to do better next time. I'd also like to get a thin crispy crust. If you ever figure it out the thin crust, let us know. I have a pizza dough recipe in the book that came with our bread maker. I may give that a try my next time out. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Great pie Jim!! Looks like your weekends of pizza making has paid off! Can I order up 2 to go? Please? I'm really hungry!!
Thanks for all the comments folks! A couple of replies...

For J Causey - the sauce is as simple as can be...I take a 15oz can of Tuttorossa tomato sauce, add a teaspoon of sugar, and a few sprinkles of onion powder and basic italian seasoning blend. Mix together. I use sparingly - maybe 2-3 tablespoons. Freeze small batches of the rest. I really like it - good tomato flavor and no bitterness.

Tom Rotta - yeah, I am a thin crust person. Since I frequently get store bought dough it really is just a matter of luck and getting better at "stretching"! If I figure out the secret I'll let ya know.

Derek - I use a 16" stone from kitchen supply - I think it was $30 and so far is working very well.

Thanks - Jim

